European Parliament
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The European Parliament is the 732 seat unicameral legislative body for the 25 member state European Union. The first direct elections to the European parliament were conducted in 1979 and subsequent elections were held every five years.
Elections to the European Parliament are conducted using a proportional representation electoral system. Elected Members of the European Parliament MEPs sit together as party blocs rather than as delegations from member states.
Contents |
Major Party Blocs
- Party of European Socialists (center left)
- European People's Party and European Democrats (center right)
- European Liberal Democrats and Reformers (center)
- Greens/European Free Alliance
- European United Left/Nordic Green Left
- Union for a Europe of Nations (sub-nationalist/separatist)
- Europe of Democracies and Diversities
- Independents
- AFET - Foreign Affairs
- DEVE - Development
- INTA - International Trade
- BUDG - Budgets
- CONT - Budgetary Control
- ECON - Economic and Monetary Affairs
- EMPL - Employment and Social Affairs
- ENVI - Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
- ITRE - Industry, Research and Energy
- IMCO - Internal Market and Consumer Protection
- TRAN - Transport and Tourism
- REGI - Regional Development
- AGRI - Agriculture and Rural Development
- PECH - Fisheries
- CULT - Culture and Education
- JURI - Legal Affairs
- LIBE - Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
- AFCO - Constitutional Affairs
- FEMM - Women's Rights and Gender Equality
- PETI - Petitions
- DROI - Human Rights
- SEDE - Security and Defence
- EQUI - Crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
- TDIP - Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners