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Electoral reform

From dKosopedia

Electoral reform refers to changing some component of an electoral system. Possible components to be changed include:

electoral formulae with examples
single member district, plurality - British parliamentary elections, U.S. Senate and most U.S. House and U.S. state elections
single member district, majority - French presidential and parliamentary elections, Georgia and Louisiana state elections
single non-transferable vote - Afghan parliamentary elections
single transferable vote - Irish, Maltese, Australian parliamentary elections
mixed member systems - Japanese, Italian, New Zealand, Macedonian, and Scottish parliamentary elections
personalized proprotional representation - German parliamentary elections
party list proportional representation with one national electoral district - Dutch and Israeli parliamentary elections
party list proportional representation with provincial electoral districts - Norwegian, Greek, Spanish, Romanian, Polish, Sri Lankan parliamentary elections
preference voting proportional representation - Swiss parliamentary elections
allocation of representation in legislative bodies (size, boundaries and numbers of legislators elected from electoral districts/constituencies/ridings)
threshold voter turnout percentage required to make an election legitimate
threshold voter turnout percentage required for a party to win seats under proportional representation
percentage of the vote required for election of a candidate
ballot structure
(secret (Australian) or open)
(long or short)
categorical or ordinal voting
candidate qualifications
voter identity requirements
vote counting procedures

Possible electoral reform goals

Greater Proportionality
Enable representative recall: the power of the people to recall a representative such as already exists for California governors
Ensure one adult one vote

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This page was last modified 13:20, 25 October 2006 by dKosopedia user BartFraden. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) Egmod. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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