Candidates For Deletion/Archive02
From dKosopedia
- Archive 01
- See Candidates For Deletion/deletion policies for an ongoing discussion of the dKosopedia deletion rules.
- See also Candidates for rapid deletion.
Contents |
Current Commentary
- Progressive This article is too current-events, and invites itself to be abandoned. I remind everyone that this is an encyclopaedia, and not a blog.--Allamakee Democrat 23:47, 18 June 2006 (PDT)
Articles in other languages
- Geo ripley This is in Spanish. dKosopedia is an English-language venue. There is a Spanish language wikipedia, from which I think this article is cribbed.
- Without objection, as a dKosopedia rule, dKosopedia is an English-language wikipedia; all articles shall be in English, but words in other languages are allowed, provided a translation is provided.
- AlamakeeDemo, Where did this English Only rule come from? BartFraden. June 23, 2006.
- (I was kind of wondering that myself) --Ray Radlein 09:38, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- I made the rule up. Since there are objections, we will debate it. Non-English articles require admins fluent in that language. --Allamakee Democrat 12:12, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- Which brings up the need to promote dkosopedia in the blog, and get people from the Hispanic Caucus involved. We know they're out there. Chadlupkes 12:55, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- Good idea. There is a crying need to drum up editors on dKos
- If other-than-English articles are to be welcomed, then some serious policies need to be in place. As I said, we would have to have admins fluent in the other language(s), and until we do, I am loath to let non-English articles through the gate (how is one to determine if this is not a Republican trolling, a copyvio, or outright libel?). We would also have to determine which languages are allowed; if we let in Spanish, do we let in Portuguese or Polish, Hawaiian or Navajo? --Allamakee Democrat 13:14, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- For the time being, while we try to figure out what to do, we could perhaps whip up a template tag a là {{stub}} or {{cleanup}} to indicate that there is an open issue at work regarding the language (something like "This is a foreign-language article. As such, we don't actually know for sure what it says, so we'd appreciate it if you'd let us know," except not all stupid like that is).
- Which brings up the need to promote dkosopedia in the blog, and get people from the Hispanic Caucus involved. We know they're out there. Chadlupkes 12:55, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- Frankly, as an idea, I think that Spanish (and other foreign) language versions of serious dKP political articles are a fantastic idea. That said, there's obviously a gigantic gap between the Platonic ideal of a foreign-language political information resource and what we have the resources to actually achieve here, as you rightly point out. Hell, the English-language dKP is already threadbare enough in places. --Ray Radlein 14:52, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- Brothers and Sisters, there are five good reasons NOT to adopt Alamakee Democrats English Only rule.
- First, the rule "solves" a non-problem. We have no evidence of any actual harm from any of the handful of non-English language articles. One salient characteristic of bad public and private management is a focus on solving non-existent problems.
- Second, the rule is motivated by ignorance. Another salient characteristic of bad public and private management is decision-making is that it is driven by the ignorance and lack of creativity of managers fearful of the knowledge and creativity of those they supervise.
- Third, adopting an English Only rule of any kind sends the wrong message in this period of fuck-witted nativism in American politics. Talk about tone-deaf!
- Fourth, the rule originated in political sin. Alamakee Democrat just made it up as part of what appears his or her intention to narrow the scope of what can happen here in DKos. That's not smart. This isn't a campaign organization. This is an information source. Moreover announcing the rule as a fait accompli smells like power trip. That sort of thing becomes pathological in an organization.
- Fifth, we depend on volunteer efforts. We can't afford to drive away potential volunteers, unless they are obvious cretins or agents provocateur.
- BartFraden June 24, 2006.
- Brothers and Sisters, there are five good reasons NOT to adopt Alamakee Democrats English Only rule.
June, 2006
- Rewarding Work And Creating Opportunity Badly named. There are obvious copyright issues: while Kerry is not likely to sue us, the point has to be made.
- Emad Abdalla Hassan Context!
- Bishop James Cannon jr bad name space; suspected copyvio.
- Delete - This seems to be part of the original dkosopedia, with the only like on Prohibition, another article that we don't really need except as an example of how local initiatives can reach the level of passing a Constitutional Amendment. I wish people would start pushing a ban on corporate personhood like that. Chadlupkes 12:57, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- Quotes/Condoleezza Rice The whole quotes bit needs to be deleted. I mean, who, other than a votary of dKos is ever going to read this?
- Move quotes to articles about the people - There is no need to have these be separate articles. Chadlupkes 12:58, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- I can see where having a handy collection of relevant quotations all in one place would be very useful, but it would only really work, I think, if it could somehow be auto-generated (like the way category listings are, perhaps) from quotes embedded in the parent articles (which is, as you say, where they belong). I strongly suspect that there is some fiendishly clever way to do this built in to the Wiki software somewhere, but my Wiki-fu is to weak to say for sure. --Ray Radlein 14:57, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- Quotes/George Washington ditto above
- Tyler Crotty Develop this story elsewhere.
- SR595 Bad name space; unlikely to be improved unless moved.
- Democratic Leadership Council 2004 leftover.
- In all seriousness, the idea of not having an article on the DLC is mind-bogglingly absurd. Slap a {{stub}} notice, or a {{cleanup}} tag on it [aside: dKP doesn't have one of those yet? Day-umn], by all means; but to even think about deleting it is silly. --Ray Radlein 09:38, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- So slap on the tag. And yes, we probably don't have one of those.
- I'll try to create (or steal) a vaguely competent {{cleanup}} tag later tonight, then. I suspect that it'll come in very handy. :-) --Ray Radlein 14:59, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- So slap on the tag. And yes, we probably don't have one of those.
- STATE HOUSE - Republican Majority Apparently Michigan in 2004, and a probable copyvio.
- Merge - Can someone from Michigan do some work to merge this with the other articles and make them look decent? Chadlupkes 18:03, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- I moved this to a more suitable name space, Michigan State Senate, Republican majority.
- Bushenkoism From 2005, the first of a set of what I've categorized as "Bush rants". Is this a Kossuary term? The Atlantic did have an article some months ago accusing Bush of Lysenkoism.
- Tasman Sea I'd like some debate on these short geographical articles; they certainly don't add to any discussion of Democratic policy.
- Delete - Agreed. I think it would depend on what links to them. We are not intending to duplicate Wikipedia. Speaking of, is this version of MediaWiki set to use InterWiki links? That would be a good solution, since they would go directly to WP. Chadlupkes 17:59, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
- BartFraden is restoring these, without any discussion. --Allamakee Democrat 09:29, 24 June 2006 (PDT)
- Alamakee Democrat, why are you so busy deleting articles that may hold some future value when developed? Why not devote more of your time to writing? BartFraden. June 24, 2006.
24 June 2006
- 2004 Ohio Irregularities - Absentee Ballots 2004 leftover.
- 2004 Ohio Irregularities 2004 leftovers.
- The two above are typical of what you find in dKospedia's basement. They need a lot of work. Does anyone want to volunteer to do this? --Allamakee Democrat 09:29, 24 June 2006 (PDT)
- The Marriage of Maria Braun This is about a movie. Fine for Wikipedia, but not here. This should actually be for rapid deletion, but I want further discussion on articles off-topic to dKP.--Allamakee Democrat 10:31, 24 June 2006 (PDT)
- The Marriage of Maria Braun is a great political movie. The article about the film on dKos actually offers more interesting interpretation of its political meaning than the article on Wikipedia. BartFraden. June 27, 2006.
26 June 2006
- The Infamous Merc Statement - Orphan page, not even sure what the statement is that it's talking about. Chadlupkes 12:51, 26 June 2006 (PDT)
- This is the diary on which Kos made a comment that he didn't care what happened to mercenaries (as opposed to ordinary soldiers). The comment was roundly criticized, especially once it was taken out of proportion. AlanF
- Ok, but is this really useful in the wiki? Is it infamous in any context outside of DailyKos? Chadlupkes
- The strongest political ideas - Um, could be part of MemeTank, but as an orphan it's rather useless. Chadlupkes 12:54, 26 June 2006 (PDT)
- Template:Featured Article Test - Accessible from the Oldest Pages list. Looks like part of the original development work. Are we going to use this going forward? Chadlupkes 12:39, 27 June 2006 (PDT)
- Senate Co-Sponsors - This was specific for the Federal Marriage Amendment. I've moved the relevant information into that article. Chadlupkes 13:01, 27 June 2006 (PDT)
- House Co-Sponsors - This was specific for the Federal Marriage Amendment. I've moved the relevant information into that article. Chadlupkes 13:01, 27 June 2006 (PDT)
- Purpose of the Vision for America page - Moved content to Talk:Vision for America. Chadlupkes 13:01, 27 June 2006 (PDT)
June 27, 2006
- Chickendad should be deleted as pointless and unfunny. BartFraden. June 27, 2006.
- Second the nomination, in that this really is BartFraden (making me wallow through the page history to determine if you are not a BartFart troll is tiresome; I forget to sign, but you actually signed without clicking: this is rude, Bart). So: you do the tab. Be Bold! --Allamakee Democrat 22:23, 28 June 2006 (PDT)
June 28, 2006 is gone
- Quotes/Adolf Hitler - Content moved to Adolf Hitler. Chadlupkes 12:26, 28 June 2006 (PDT)
- Quotes/John Ashcroft - Content moved to John David Ashcroft. Chadlupkes 12:56, 28 June 2006 (PDT)
- The Original 10 Worst Living Dictators List - I don't see the point of having this as a separate article. Chadlupkes 18:58, 28 June 2006 (PDT)
June 29, 2006
- Iks Test Page From 2004
- The Infamous Merc Statement - Content moved to Kos. Chadlupkes 07:38, 29 June 2006 (PDT)
- The strongest political ideas - Rather useless... Chadlupkes 07:58, 29 June 2006 (PDT)
June 30, 2006
- List of the most idiotic websites on the internet - Oi. Chadlupkes 21:38, 30 June 2006 (PDT)