Coordination failure
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Coordination failure occurs in single member district elections when two candidates (Candidate A and Candidate B) occupying the same ideological space divide the available vote in that space and allow a competing candidate (Candidate X) to win office with fewer votes than A and B receive in combination.
Real World Example
- In 2005, Vermont Democrats debated whether to run a candidate for the United States Senate seat held by the retiring independent Jim Jeffords rather than support Congressman Bernie Sanders. Source: Ross Sneyd. "Vt. Governor Opts Out of U.S. Senate Bid." Associated Press. May 6, 2005.
Fictional Example
- In "Setting A President," Episode 37 of Foster's Home for Imagainary Friends, candodates Mr. Herriman and Bloo discover they are locked into a coordination failure against Frankie as president of the House. They attempt to solve the problem by having Bloo become the campaign manager for Mr. Herriman. Episode Index