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From dKosopedia

Haiti is a Caribbean nation with a long record of bloodshed independent of outsiders, coupled with violence involving other countries. In the past decade it experienced a coup ousting elected President Aristide, faciliated in part by the administration of George W. Bush, which resulted in the international community again sending troops into Haiti, this time under the auspices of the United Nations.


U.S. Military Interventions/Occupations

2010 Earthquake

On January 12, 2010, an earthquake registering 7.0 on the Richter scale struck Haiti. The epicenter of the quake was fifteen miles west-southwest of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital.

The loss of life and destruction has been immense, especially in Port-au-Prince. The latest estimates from the Haitian government are that over 150,000 people are dead in the capital alone, and over 600,000 have been left homeless. Most of the Haitian infrastructure collapsed in the quake, including hospitals, government buildings, markets, etc. The port facilities in Port-au-Prince were badly damaged.

Earthquake Relief

International response to the disaster has been swift. A large number of organizations are on the ground in Haiti, setting up medical facilities, shelters, bringing in safe drinking water, and more. The ill-equipped one-runway airport at Port-au-Prince has been overwhelmed by the volume of supplies that need to be brought in for the relief efforts, and the port is only functioning at 30%, so it is only accepting humanitarian traffic.

Daily Kos Response

Members of Daily Kos have written dozens of diaries to aid earthquake relief efforts. Dallasdoc started a series of diaries, continued by him and other members of the community, for people who wanted to know which were the best organizations to donate to. That information has been collected on the Haiti Earthquake Relief page.

TexMex started a drive to "purchase" ShelterBoxes; a ShelterBox contains a tent and living essentials for ten people, and each one "costs" $1,000. The total donations made by Daily Kos members and their friends and associates have accounted for over 100 ShelterBoxes as of January 22.

External Links

2004 Haiti Coup

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This page was last modified 20:00, 25 January 2010 by dKosopedia user Sardonyx. Based on work by roger, Brian Concannon Jr. and Andrew Oh-Willeke and dKosopedia user(s) BartFraden, Allamakee Democrat, PatriotismOverProfits and GD. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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