From dKosopedia
In open politics argument, such as practiced at dkosopedia itself, an __argument__ is not an open-ended free-for-all but a rational support for one or more positions on an issue. To encourage this a whole issue/position/argument tree will be created on especially contentious issues, so that the arguments can be framed to address the positions, while the positions advocate action on an issue. Example: position:climate change caused Hurricane Katrina.
The list of arguments for a position should generally get at least as much time and attention as the list of arguments against. Unpopular positions may be better to express first as the arguments against will be easy to list, and it will encourage an adversarial process to develop, instead of just a rhetorical MemeTank from one point of view.
Once an argument gets violent, serious, or takes up a lot of time, it would be wise to find evidence/source/authority for and against every argument for and against, so that the entire case can be examined. See position:Republicans are unbiblical on abortion for a position full of such arguments.
Setting a time by which an argument must be settled, as in a meeting agenda which puts an issue up for decision, is another way to limit conflict. When the time horizon is known, those arguing can set priorities and focus only on their strongest arguments, as in a courtroom or other adversarial process.