War on Terror Timeline
From dKosopedia
This detailed timeline will show how Bush lost the War on Terror by shifting its focus from Osama to Saddam both before and after September Eleventh. Also see the complete timeline of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the complete 9/11 timeline from the Center for Cooperative Research. See also Iraq War Timeline.
Sons of Fortune - Background information on George W and Osama
Baghdad or Bust - Even before 9/11 Bush plans to strike Saddam
September 11th - When Osama strikes Bush decides to go to Iraq
Tora Bora - Bush distracts CENTCOM with Iraq and Osama escapes
Axis of Evil - Bush and Cheney make the case for war with Iraq
Downing Street Memo - WMD is chosen as the means to justify it
Spikes of Activity - Air war secretly begins nine months early
Rush to War - UN effort scheduled so the war can start on time
Fall of Baghdad - Iraq is liberated but chaos rules the street
Aftermath - Experts agree the Iraq War helps Osama win support