Voter Registration Fraud Clearinghouse
From dKosopedia
Alert: Follow along on the post-election irregularities. Submit breaking news to:
BREAKING - Iraq will need vote challengers in January
We expect the GOP to continue their heartfelt and incessant concerns about "voter fraud", Donate to BlogPAC to help fund these dedicated GOP stalwarts to carry freedom's march to the Iraqi polls![1] -Cope 10:07, 2 Nov 2004 (PST)
I don't see any way the Republican party can lose gracefully. As soon as they lose control of the DOJ their leadership is cooked. Look at it another way: the GOP is going for broke. -Tom Frank
And so it begins. Some say this will be the dirtiest election ever. The more people who vote, the tougher it is to suppress votes or tamper. So VOTE. But this time, we're asking you to do more. Democracy is not a spectator sport.
See also Election 2004 Problems
Voting Irregularities
Use this space as a stub to begin collecting and organizing the various catalogued irregularities, suspicious results, and sundry indications of potential vote fraud.
For the current rundown of known voting irregularities, along with an incident reporting protocol, the one-stop shopping site is found at
VotersUnite! Incident Reporting
Great Summary on This American Life
Transcript of Jack Hitt's report on election fraud
Help Page
Voter Fraud Help If you have been the victim of Voter Fraud go here to learn about your rights!
Black Box Voting Incident Reporting
VotersUnite! Incident Reporting
Verified Voting Incident Reporting
Handy toll-free number to report disenfranchisement.
Election Protection Coalition 1-866-OUR-VOTE
Provisional Ballot GOTV Tactics Lawyer's Diary on GOTV / Provisional Ballots
Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law has more contact and legal information, and they need volunteers to run the hotline mentioned above.
State toll-free numbers-
Some state Democratic Parties will set-up toll-free lines to report problems in the field. We will post these numbers as the lines are established.
Election Protection 2004's downloadable Voters' Bills of Rights that are state specific for 20+ states.
They even have bi-lingual ones for AZ, CO, NM, FL, NV, OH and WI.
Also some other helpful links there on the same page as well as elsewhere on the EP2004 site.
Michigan Independent Media Center is covering Michigan and Ohio. Their toll-free hotline to report breaking developments is 1-877-825-9535
North Carolina Information Michael Moore's Fraud Page]
For another voter fraud resource, and for a multiplicity of links to stories and resources, please check out eriposte's vote2004 and excellent roundup!
Voter's Rights - State by State Links
Most crucial news
Post the most crucial news here. Additional information may be found below, or in the relevant state section.
There is a multi-state effort to misdirect democrats to the polls[2] This is being reported in :
- Florida : Broward, Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale
- Colorado : Denver
- Michigan
Great Article on NPR's This American Life Daily Kos Diary Entry
It is now becoming clear that there is a massive, coordinated campaign orchestrated by the RNC and the GOP to commit nationwide fraud, disenfranchisement, confusion, and chaos. Nathan Sproul is behind voter fraud in many swing states, including Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
They have fraudulently used the name of another organization, America votes. Here is a summary of some of the various cases of voter fraud going on now.
The Republican party in Nevada ordered its employees to dispose of Democratic Voter Registrations.
Republican voter registration organizations have illegally shredded Democratic registrations in both Nevada and Oregon, which both are past their voter registration deadline of Tuesday October 12th, leaving many Democrats who thought they'd registered disenfranchised in the most important election of our lifetime.
The company Sproul & Associates, which is closely connected to the RNC and has recieved half a million dollars from them since July 14, 2004, is behind this. It is run by Nathan Sproul, a big Republican donor.
Any means necessary, Guardian 18 Oct 2004 In the 60s, police dogs and billy clubs kept black Americans from the polls. Today's methods are more refined...
Hollow Victory, Guardian 21 Oct 2004 Markos Moulitsas runs through the bare bones of the vote fraud, registration fraud, and voter suppression stories, mentions this page and another excellent resource, eriposte's vote2004 and brings the exposure of GOP mendacity to the global stage.
DKos Diary explaining the roots of the Republican Florida ACORN fraud claims.
High Ranking Republicans denouncing Voter Fraud
Does a party that refuses to tell the truth before Election Day deserve our vote on election day?
- 18 October 2004 kos diary Ex-Republican senator fires at NH GOP fraud
- 12 Oct 2004 RedDan diary Janklow exposes coordinated GOP voter fraud and cheating campaigns
- 17 Oct 2004 muddypaws diary Top GOP Kentuckian Quits Bush
I cannot in good conscience vote for President Bush in this election. What he has done since his election in 2000 goes against the values I treasure both in terms of leadership and in our nation. He has not done what he said he would do. He has lost my trust and my respect.
"It would be easier to sit back and say and do nothing but at the same time I couldn't do that...I just think it's a disservice to the young people that are probably for the first time getting involved or looking forward to getting involved." ... she said she still doesn't want to be involved anymore. "I'm bothered. We need to keep it clean. We need to protect this process. And people that are involved in it need to understand that. The candidates need to set the highest standard and say this is what we need to do and I guess I don't think it's been done.
State-by-State Breakdown of stories
- Alaska Fraud (Lt. Governor involved in ballot manipulation )
- Arizona Fraud (Sproul shows up as a top donor to Congressman Trent Franks )
- Arkansas Fraud (Allegation that Governor's wife obstructed black votes)
- California Fraud (Observers shut out)
- Colorado Fraud (Republican Secretary of State limits provisional ballots )
- Florida Fraud (Early voting problems, Jeb's gonna deliver )
- Kentucky Fraud (Possible money laundering)
- Illinois Fraud (Ballot errors)
- Iowa Fraud (Limited registration problems )
- Maine Fraud Alleged inappropriate conduct by Rockland's registrar of voters.
- Massachusetts Fraud (GOP encouraging illegal absentee ballots)
- Maryland Fraud (More problems with felon purges)
- Michigan Fraud (Student voters targeted, etc)
- Missouri Fraud (Diminishing ballot access)
- Minnesota Fraud (Canvassers to only turn in GOP registrations)
- Nevada Fraud ( Dem. registrations shredded )
- New Hampshire Fraud (College students targeted)
- New Mexico Fraud (Pro-GOP voting machine behavior)
- North Carolina Fraud Slowdowns due to Challenges
- Ohio Fraud (Blackwell's shenanigans, GOP voter fraud ops moving in, Challenges galore)
- Oregon Fraud (Dem. registrations shredded )
- Pennsylvania Fraud (Moving polling places at last minute)
- South Carolina Fraud (Play hide-the-polling-station)
- South Dakota Fraud (GOP members resign over absentee stink)
- Tennessee Fraud (Planted special Olympics fliers)
- Texas Fraud (Austin electronic vote problems, Gerrymander case not over)
- Virginia Fraud Nader Chief - recent Republican activist/campaign worker
- Washinton Fraud Missing Absentee Ballots
- Washington Fraud Missing Absentee Ballots
- West Virginia Fraud (Absentee phone scams/registrations destroyed?)
- Wisconsin Fraud (Milwaukee urban ballot shortages)
Regional, National, International Breakdown
- Military Fraud (Rumsfield, Pentagon head up ballot counting)
- New England Fraud (Phone jamming scandal)
- Overseas Fraud (Absentee votes printed late, overloaded Pentagon server blocked IPs)
Justice Dept to monitor elections: a locations list Great, Now everyone trust Ashcroft! -Cope 11:54, 29 Oct 2004 (PDT)
10/29/04 Study: DOJ pattern of anti-democratic actions thwarts voters-Cope 15:16, 31 Oct 2004 (PST)
-- Nota Bene, Fraud in this instance is used as a shorthand catchall phrase that includes -- everything from faked registrations, registration destruction, denial of access to critical -- registration or voting materials, intimidation campaigns, voter roll manipulation or purging, -- and so on. --RedDan 18:57, 14 Oct 2004 (PDT)
General Overview
This Page is devoted to collecting, organizing, and systematizing documented instances of voter fraud, disenfranchisement, and other "dirty tricks" that are ongoing in this election cycle.
Parties clash over new voters Allegations of registration cards being dumped and partisanship have spurred suits, investigations
-Cope 13:49, 21 Oct 2004 (PDT)
Black Box Voting has fingered Diebold union busting as the source of many of the Ballot problems! The real story behind the October ballot problems Submitted by Andy Stephenson on Wed, 10/20/2004 - 18:46. News Articles Black Box Voting has obtained documents from June 2004 indicating that Diebold was concerned about upcoming ballot printing problems. Recent problems in California (Alameda, San Diego and Tulare counties) and Washington state (King County) appear to trace back to labor problems at the Diebold printing plant in Everett Washington.
There seems to be a loophole in the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) with respect to how to count provisional ballots. See HAVA Fraud
Get Out The Vote drives have become a strategic necessity for this election. Unsurprisingly, there have been allegations of voter registration abuse and fraud.
Most notably, Eric Russell a former Voters' Outreach of America employee, alleges that the private voter registration company destroyed hundreds of non-Republican registration forms. Voters Outreach of America has been linked to Sproul & Associates and Nathan Sproul, GOP consultants.
Recently, there have been allegations of voter registration fraud against ACORN in Florida alleging phony voter registrations and forged party-affiliation change cards, and absentee ballots.
In Kansas City, MO, Neal Breitweiser a low-level Republican operative from St. Louis, has submitted a petition to the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners. He asks the board to investigate registration fraud he alleges has been committed by the Missouri Progressive Vote Coalition, America Coming Together, and
Breaking News
Please post breaking stories in the space below, and as the Wiki gets organized, these stories can (and will) be moved into the relevant sections.
Democrats' votes challenged - Utah Fraud article. Republican candidate Brice Derek Carsno claims all of those residents do not live in the precincts they are registered in and therefore should not have the right to punch a ballot Tuesday. State and county election officials, however, disagree and at least one says Carsno's challenge could be criminal.
Democrats accuse Republicans of trying to block thousands of votes - Oregon Fraud article. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Democrats accused Republicans Sunday of trying to block thousands of young people's votes, following a formal request by GOP lawyers to review ballots cast by first-time voters in Oregon's most populous county. In a letter issued Friday, attorneys for the Oregon Republican Party demanded that officials set aside ballots cast by new voters in Multnomah County who have not provided proof of identification. Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden said that the Republican demand flies in the face of Oregon law which does not require voters to show proof of identification when registering. "This is not Florida. We are about empowering citizens," said Wyden, who helped draft the relevant portion of Oregon's election law.
Republican Group Accused of Voter Fraud - Minnesota Fraud article. "They said if you bring back a bunch of Democratic cards, you'll be fired,".
anecdotal report regarding Texas voting machine troubles
Philly Enquirer story misquoted and used as propaganda Another Republican effort to make it look like both sides are equally culpable, and a good disemboweling of the effort. Link is to a message board thread that starts with a mail that is probably being sent out to tens of thousands and finishes with the accusation lying dead in the street.
Bush's New England Campaign Chief Resigns over 2002 fraud
New Nevada Story - New witness comes forward verifying Registration Destruction stories
The article includes some Republican lies, trying to claim that Democrats are doing the same thing, to muddy the situation. This is pure Republican propaganda. They are the ones disenfranchising voters, not the Democrats.
Story with additional information
First we get news out of a local Las Vegas news affiliate from CBS that an outfit called Voters' Outreach of America is caught trashing voter registration forms filled out by people trying to register to vote as Democrats. But while running down this outfit, they skipped town on their office space rent, and moved out of state (Nevada), and the CBS affiliate indicates that they might have moved their operation to Oregon.We also learn not too long ago, that Sproul & Associates, which is based out of AZ, was misrepresenting itself as being under contract with the legitimate nonpartisan group America Votes, while trying to get permission to do voter registration sign-ups in Southern Oregon libraries. A sharp librarian down in Medford double-checks with America Votes, and finds out that the Sproul group which had sent a letter to the public library seeking the permission, are not under contract or affiliated with the non-partisan group America Votes. It should also be noted that because of this, some confusion is circulating in the news media and conflating America Votes with the shady Sproul outfit.<p> We now know that Sproul & Associates is a directly funded RNC consultancy firm. <p> Then we learn that a "traveling team" hired signature gatherer is caught in downtown Portland's Pioneer Square, the night before Edwards is planned to hold a debate watching rally, refusing to register Democrats, and admits to throwing out forms filled out by people registering as such.<p> This person also admits that the "traveling team" he is with was recently doing registration drives in Nevada. We still don't know if this "traveling team" is connected with either Voters' Outreach of America or not. This has led Oregon Sec. of State Bill Bradbury and Attorney General Hardy Myers to tell news outlets late this evneing that they plan to investigate. Bradbury telling the local news outlet KGW that they are investigating this serious matter, and he appeared to be more than a little pissed to see this sort of fraud taking place. Now it seems the story is being picked up by the AP.<p> We now find in a past story from The American Prospect that Voters' Outreach of America IS in fact connected with, and was under contract by Sproul and Associates which we know is directly funded by the RNC from FEC records at Voters' Outreach of America were under contract by Sproul to do signature gathering in AZ for petition gathering for "No Taxpayer Money For Politicians" petition AND to get Ralph Nader on the ballot in AZ (where he was eventually knocked off the ballot for fraudulent petition signatures). The relevant TAP article passage which shows the contractual connection between Voters' Outreach of America and Sproul & Associates, who are directly funded by the RNC: Nor has Nader denounced the covert assistance his Arizona ballot-qualification effort received from Sproul, who is currently running the No Taxpayer Money For Politicians" initiative, a right-wing effort to ban candidates from receiving public financing. According to several sources, two of the contractors Sproul hired to oversee petition gathering for No Taxpayer Money For Politicians -- Aaron "A.J." James, who directs Voters' Outreach of America, and Diane Burns -- were also paid by Sproul to get as many signatures as possible for Nader. American Prospect Online, 06.25.04 (emphasis added) We need to start digging on Aaron "A.J." James.
Breaking News from
The Republicans strike again. Following the alarming news of GOP puppet company Voters Outreach shredding voter registrations belonging to democrats, they're mounting a campaign to accuse the Democrats of the same thing.
Neal Breitweiser, a low-level Republican operative from St. Louis, has submitted a petition to the the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners. He asks the board to investigate registration fraud he alleges has been commited by the Missouri Progressive Vote Coalition, America Coming Together, and
He speaks of hundreds of registrations being trashed by those organisations. The organisations are defending themselves, and have declared that it is not the first time Republicans make similar baseless accusations.
Is this an attempt by Republicans to cover their asses the Nevada Voters Outreach scandal that is sure to break, so they can accuse Democrats of the same thing ? I don't know, but it scares me.
Source: for registration info --Kryostat 20:46, 12 Oct 2004 (PDT)
In Missouri no party affiliation is stated on the voter registration form, so the Republican accusation is bizarre as well as baseless.
Just created New England Fraud Unindicted 2002 Co-conspirator - Just Named - is Regional Bush-Cheney '04 Chair. Added South Dakota Fraud Republican operatives resign over Absentee Ballot fraud and Ohio Fraud the operatives that resigned over the South Dakota Absentee Ballot fraud were shifted to lead the Ohio get-out-the-vote operation. Carneades 07:38, 15 Oct 2004 (PDT)
The South Dakota information comes from here: Bill Janklow, former Republican congressman and governor of South Dakota, says the national GOP is encouraging campaign workers to cheat, particularly in their Victory organization.
National Stories
This American Life story on Voter Suppression (Real Media clip)
Is the DOJ poised to keep voters from voting? (Sept. 20 New Yorker)
DKos diary re: Election Postponement due to potential terror alert
CNN transcript with Tom Ridge re: Terrorism and Election Postponement
Meteor Blades (DKos) Roundup of postponement stories
Newsweek Soaries storie re: Postponement
The American Prospect story on GOP collusion and conspiracy to suppress the vote
Voter's Rights Laws, Codes, and Bills
Dept of Justice Voting Rights Laws
Voter Registration Organizations and Tools
Newsday Article on Record Voter Registration
Iowa voter Registration Records
Get Out The Vote Activities and Organizations
Act for victory (America Coming Together)
MoveOn Political Action Campaign
The League of Independent Voters
PIRG (Public Interest Research Groups)
ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)
PFAW (People For the American Way)
America Votes NOTA BENE America Votes is in NO WAY associated with Sproul & Associates or any of their associated organizations. Sproul is using a similar name in order to hide his own activities and to provide a means of smearing the 527's operations.
Sunshine and Alligators (sorry for the shameless self-promotion, but we folks here in Tokyo have already voted and need something to do with our time...sor we're gonna go to Tampa/St. Pete...Join us!)
Tools, Maps, Stats, States, and other stuff
Fair Vote 2020 - massive map, demographic, and statistics database
Polling Station Locations determined via input of Zip Code - EXTREMELY USEFUL!!!
- 10 Oct 2004 MyDD Diary Discusses historical practices of voter fraud & intimidation.
Other Places to Check and Alert
The [ Everything Voting Guide] vote fraud page (Dark Side Resource...)
Preparing for Election Day
We are moving from Registration to Voting and Counting Fraud. How can this site and the online community adapt?
- Expect reports of irregularity all over the web on election day, and now with early or absentee voting.
- Make easily findable room for them on this site or elsewhere, to link and funnel to.
- Encourage use of an exact "tag" phrase ahead of time, so that very soon afterwards Google will turn up that special phrase in searches. For example, put "electionfraud2004" in as a single word without spaces someplace on all such eyewitness reports. Use it as a Flickr tag for photos, etc.
Who's Who Among Experts on Voting Fraud
See list of election integrity experts.
Local Groups Involved in Combating Voting Fraud
See List of election integrity organizations.