Tony Blair
From dKosopedia
Tony Blair or Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was born on May 1953 in Edinburgh, Scotland and was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the U.K.'s Labour Party from May 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007. He was replaced by his government's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown.
Initially popular and successful, Blair made the tragic mistake of supporting the Bush administration's neo-conservative imperialist adventure in Iraq and was increasingly ambivalent about protecting civil liberties in Britain. The degree to which Blair subordinated himself and British foreign policy to U.S. President George W. Bush and American foreign policy disturbed many Britons. At the G-8 Conference in St. Petersburg on July 18, 2006 Blair adopted the role of supplicant even as Bush addressed him, "Yo, Blair." Read the Transcript of the Exchange On video the arrogant Texan could be seen speaking to the Prime Minister of Great Britain with a mouth full of food.
Polling Data
In 2006 Britons were clearly disappointed with Blair. In a recent poll by Communicate Research published in The Independent they were asked, "Do you think history will judge Tony Blair to have been a better or worse prime minister than Margaret Thatcher?"
- Better 30%
- Worse 47%
- The same 15%
- Not sure 9%
In 2007 Blair resigned to be replaced by Gordon Brown, a man of great intellect and (former) socialist commitment unlike his dilettantish predecessor. His mandate was disastrous, leading to election defeat in May 2010.
See Also
- Jack Straw
- New Labour
- Winston Churchill
- Queen Elizabeth II
- George Galloway
- John Major
- Margaret Thatcher
External Links
- Respect
- Ugly Rumours
- Young Blair's Obscene Gesture This is London