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The Federal Energy Policy Enforcement Act

From dKosopedia

Act XV of Energize America



1) To provide fair, reliable and consistent interpretation, application and enforcement of energy-related rules and regulations, and 2) to provide the necessary administrative capacity to execute and enforce all the Acts under Energize America.


Energize America calls for a broad spectrum of change and innovation across the energy industry and society. Specialized agencies like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission can do their job and enforce these acts only if they have the proper support, political and material. The Federal Energy Policy Enforcement Act will increase these agencies' capacity to detect and react to fraud and compliance failures, heighten their ability to punish violators, and ensure non-partisanship by proposing new rules for the nomination of their top officers. It will provide the necessary funding for the specific agencies or teams which are created as part of the other Acts under Energize America.

The Federal Energy Policy Enforcement Act will double the budgets in real terms from their current levels over the next 15 years in order for these agencies to cope with the workload required to implement the Energize America legislative agenda, with dedicated and specially trained agents in each agency.


The Federal Energy Policy Enforcement Act will reduce bureaucratic infighting, streamline many policies and procedures, and provide for a consistent national framework to resolve energy-related issues.


The Federal Energy Policy Enforcement Act will cost $500 million in incremental program management within the Department of Energy and related agencies through 2020.

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This page was last modified 03:08, 2 June 2006 by Arthur Smith. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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