Senate Armed Forces Subcommittee on Seapower
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Category: US Senate Committees
Senate Armed Forces Subcommittee on Seapower | |
Members, 109th Congress | |
Democrats: | Republicans: |
Contents |
Senate Subcommittee on Seapower
The Senate Subcommittee on Seapower is a subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Forces, a standing committee of the United States Senate. As a subcommittee of a House standing committee, the Subcommittee on Seapower has legislative authority as well as oversight and housekeeping authority over matters within its jurisdiction. It considers, amends, and reports bills that fall under its jurisdiction, and may block legislation from reaching the Senate floor. It also uses its oversight power to subpoena witnesses and hold hearings. Senate Standing Committees also hold hearings on presidential nominations related to their area of jurisdiction (in this committee's case, the Armed Forces).link
from the website of the Senate Armed Forces Committee:
Aeronautical and space activities peculiar to or primarily associated with the development of weapons systems or military operations; the common defense; the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force, generally; maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal, including administration, sanitation, and government of the Canal Zone; military research and development; national security aspects of nuclear energy; naval petroleum reserves, except those in Alaska; pay, promotion, retirement, and other benefits and privileges of members of the Armed Forces, including overseas education of civilian and military dependents; selective service system; and strategic and critical materials necessary for the common defense.
Comprehensive study and review of matters relating to the common defense policy of the United States
Contact information for the Senate Committee on Armed Forces
Senate Committee on Armed Forces
228 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20150
Phone: (202) 224-3871
109th Congress
The following is information on the Subcommittee on Seapower for the 109th Congress.
109th Congress: Committee Members
Republicans: Senator James Talent (R-MO), Chairman; Senator John McCain (R-AZ); Senator Susan Collins (R-ME); Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA).
Democrats: Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Ranking Member; Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) (will be (I-CT) in the 110th Congress); Senator Jack Reed (D-RI)
109th Congress: Committee Hearings
Armed Forces Committee hearing schedule for November:
- 15 November: FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the current situation and U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- 16 November: READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on Department of Defense business systems modernization and financial management accountability efforts.
110th Congress
The following is information on the Subcommittee on Seapower for the 110th Congress.
110th Congress: Committee Members
110th Congress: Committee Hearings
Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcommittees: |
Airland • Emerging Threats & Capabilities • Personnel • Readiness & Management Support • Seapower • Strategic Forces |