Retirement age politics
From dKosopedia
Retirement age politics refers to a variety of issues arising from concepts of pension, declining quality of life in later years, elder health care, insurance questions for those with pre-existing conditions, and the need many senior citizens have to take jobs after retirement to make ends meet, often in fast food or retail sectors.
= comments on this issue
".... Or How Did We Get Here.????
I have been wondering for some time whether or not people in this country that were over the age of forty-five and still on the daylight side of eighty could even Remember what it was that we were supposedly all working and voting for...
Thats Right ,...A FREE United States Of America. I contend that there are simply too few people with the requisite Maturity, and Experience to hold an accurate viewpoint of where we have been ..
..where we were headed,and how in the hell did we get here???"
I keep seeing and sometimes hearing people my age and older talk about how diffucult it is to gather the finances to pay for their Doctor,their Prescriptions,and not to even mention their "regular"expenses and bills... I feel terrible for them and at the same time.,I know exacttly how they are hurting....How do we fix this "simple" single problem for the older folks...that of
affordable medications....?????