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From dKosopedia

The renaissance of secular, pluralistic forms of government as the majority political aspiration, reaffirming the value of the separation of church and state, reason applied to public affairs, individual liberties, and the generation and consideration of objective fact through the scientific method.

The Re-enlightenment is predicted as an eventual result of the inherent absurdity of the Unholy Alliance and its vision of a capitalist theocracy.

The term harkens back to the philosophical movement that influenced the Founding Fathers in the eighteenth century and created the doctrine of the separation of church and state in the first place.

How long it takes the United States to reach the Re-enlightenment is uncertain and a factor of many parameters. The so-called War on Terror is code for a conflict between Evangelical Chrisitianity and Radical Islam, and the Re-enlightenment is a likely end-result of the miseries significant development of that conflict could bring.

(cf. Quakerism, a pacificist Christian sect that arose from the English Civil War in the 1600's)

The eventual collapse and refutation of Faith-based Economics is another predictor of the Re-enlightenment. As is the self-discrediting nature of the individual proponents of capitalist theocracy.

The state of society after the Re-enlightenment is largely a factor of the path taken to get there: how many of these lessons will be severe enough to be remedied and remembered across generations?

The ubiquitous memes of Hitler and the Holocaust are commonplace in political rhetoric because they were severe enough that society is trying to remember and apply the lessons of that tragedy continuously. One hopes the events leading to the Re-enlightenment will not need to be that severe to be remembered and applied with equal vigor.

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This page was last modified 23:20, 2 July 2006 by Chad Lupkes. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) Peeder. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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