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Private Taxation

From dKosopedia

Would you be outraged if you heard that lots of people pay over 99% taxes, and then see half of those tax dollars given to a guy who plays basketball all day?

Think about this for a moment. Imagine that you earn hundreds of dollars in a day, and then find that after taxes you can hardly afford gruel for dinner.

Imagine if you then watched the politicians and that basketball guy buy mansions and yaughts with your tax dollars.

Now hold this thought for a moment.

When you work, you make stuff worth money. If you look at the numbers, the value of stuff you make and the amount of money you get paid just don’t seem to add up. For example, if you're an Asian working for Nike[1], you will get pocket change for making a shoe, even though the exact same shoe is selling for hundreds of dollars in a store.

That's Private-Sector Taxation.

And what are these taxes being spent on? Is that money they goes missing between store shelf and workshop going to fund schools and hospitals? No, it’s mostly being spent on sports cars and mansions for the "politicians" - the owners, CEO, excecutives - and advertising. In fact, for the price to get one endorcement from one basketball player, Nike wages could have been doubled for a year.

Back to that thought. Imagine that you earn hundreds of dollars in a day, and then find that after taxes you can hardly afford gruel for dinner.

Imagine if you then watched the politicians (Executives, investors, CEOs) buy mansions and yaughts with your tax dollars.

Think about how you would respond to a politician who says "Sure, we could have cut taxes in half, but we REALLY NEEDED that athlete to pretend to like us. We had to tax you until you had nothing but pocket change, then paid it to a guy to sing the National Anthem."[2]

Affermative Action Billionaires

There are different ways to decide who gets to be the billionaire and who gets to be the starving person. You could try on basis of how much work you get done. Or, just divy it up by race. By Genes. By who someone’s parents are. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Well get used to it, it's called "inheritence".

How can you tell that someone is productive just because their ancestors were? is it something in their genes? Maybe it’s something in their race? Can you tell if someone is productive by their race - can you spot a lazy person by just looking at the color of their skin?

This is no moot point, nearly half of the zillionaires in the Forbes 400 were born already in the Forbes 400.

These people did no work whatsoever, but they got billions of dollars in handouts because of their genes. Their race. Think about it.

"Waaaaah! They want to tax my Porshe! I worked so hard being born, and they want me to pay taxes just like those working slobs! Class warfare! Waaaaaaaah!"

If we taxed inheritence more, we would be paying a lot less income taxes etc.

Think about it. Because they get money without working, we end up paying taxes. I repeat - we pay taxes and they get money for nothing. We could stop giving them money for nothing, and we would pay far, far less in taxes. Think about it.

Half of the Forbes 400 are there because of billions of dollars of handouts, while you pay taxes.

Then the Republicans say that more handouts are needed and thus more taxes on you.


[1] "Just 2 percent of Nike's $630 million operating budget could raise the salary of all 25,000 Vietnamese workers from a meager $1.60 per day to $3.00, a livable wage. New Balance makes most of their sneakers in the U.S., paying more than 30 times what Nike pays and they still make a profit." Source

By the way, my shoes are from Mark's Work Warehouse, made in Canada, fancy-gel soles, safety-approved steel toes and all, and cost a fraction of Nikes.

[2] "Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods are compensated at levels commensurate with their unique skills...labor accounts for about 4% of the retail cost" -Nike (FAQ from Nike's website)

See Also:

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This page was last modified 02:29, 3 June 2006 by Arthur Smith. Based on work by dKosopedia user(s) PatriotismOverProfits. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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