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About Me
My Blog: Freedom Democrats
I'm like Martin Van Buren on the edge.
I've been a life-long Democrat. I helped organized my college's pro-Howard Dean club during the primaries called WMD (William and Mary for Dean). I was the Secretary of Outreach, and after the primaries was elected Outreach Chair for my College's Young Dems. After three years as Outreach Chair I ran for President of the Club and narrowly lost in a rather interesting and unpredictable election. I am currently the Rural Caucus Chair for the Virginia Young Democrats.
In addition to being a fan of Martin Van Buren, my favorite Democratic President would have to be Grover Cleveland. I started out as a generic liberal Democrat with an interest in the environment. From there I progressed into a free market environmentalist that loves property rights and trees. I discovered Henry George and geo-libertarianism and that introduced me to libertarianism in general. I've considered myself a libertarian of some form or another ever since.
My father was a Republican. His father was a Republican. I don't know about his father, my great-grandfather, but I do know that my great-grandmother who I am named after (Logan was her maiden name) was a life-long Republican from 1920 onward. That side of the family comes from Western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a region that the great sage of Southern politics V. O. Key called "the great spine of Republicanism which runs down the back of the South." A distance relative of mine in the Logan family was elected to the Confederate Congress during the Civil War on a platform of opposition to the war and support of the Union.
My mother is from Ohio, went to Kent State, protested the Vietnam War, got shot at, and doesn't like Richard Nixon. It should be obvious who I got my partisan identification from. I am, however, a New York Yankees fan like my father and his father before him. It's the lesser of two evils, Yankees vs. Republicans.
I'm currently a Senior at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. My original desire in college was to be an Economics and Environmental Studies double major, but I accidentally fell in love with anthropology and human evolution. I also realized, as part of the process that lead to me blogging and joining the Democratic Freedom Caucus, that politics is too important to leave to the politicians. I'm now a Government and Paleoanthropology double major. The latter is an interdisciplinary major that combines Geology, Anthropology and Biology. I've found that Anthropology has reinforced my left-libertarianism and my belief in the importance of spontaneous self-organization.
I've been working for the past two years for one of the Government Department professors in a project concerning Congressional Whip Counts. This is the first time that anyone's actually been able to look at the information the party leadership had leading up to major votes. The professor I'm working for has shown a great ability to pull strings so far. Not only has he managed to get all of this information from the libraries of former Congressional Whips, but he recently sealed a deal that will allow him total access to Newt Gingrich's papers. He was the House Republican Whip from 1989 to 1994. In August I went down to Georgia for a week to go through the papers. Going through Newt's papers was an experience for me. I'm such a dork that way. I'm convinced that Newt will run for the President in 2008.
This summer, I am working at George Washington University doing research related to human evolution.
Hey Logan, I think it would be good for you to put a little info on your user page. Stuff like links to your DKos blog, writings off site, and pages you are interested in on DKosopidia. Adamr 13:53, 22 May 2006 (PDT)