Tag: List of approved tags (alphabetical)
From dKosopedia
Updated: 10-2-2007 this list is out of date. See Standard Tags - alpha list
The following is a list of 1057 frequently used Standardized tags for Daily Kos diaries. They are the content index to the site. Whenever possible these are the tags that should be used. As additional tags are used 30 or more times, the Tag Librarians will check them for redundancy. Tags for new concepts or topics will be added periodically.
Omitted from this list:
Many names of people who are the subject of diaries. They will all appear in a new list. To check spelling use http://meta.dkosopedia.com/tags/search/
Incorrect/bad tags like “bush”, “cheney” “President Bush”, “2008 Presidential Election” “midterm elections” etc.
Where two or more words for the same issue are used for tags, the one with the most usage is listed – often the difference is that one version is plural and the other singular.
State and election tags like: California, Texas, Ohio, Connecticut, etc. and OH-10, TX-23, SD-Sen, CT-Sen, etc. These are legitimate tags, but make this list longer than needed to be useful.
House and Senate legislation tags, like H.R.4900-109 and H.Res.333-110 (note no spaces) [[1]], are legitimate and also make this list longer than needed to be useful.
Proper nouns will soon be moved to a new page. Spelling can be checked using the tag search tool: http://meta.dkosopedia.com/tags/search/
See also: DailyKos Tag Cleanup Project and Tag Editors Workspace
Click to read Markos' post re tags
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 109th Congress 110th Congress 2000 Elections 2002 Elections 2004 Elections 2006 Elections 2008 Elections 2010 Elections 9 -11 Commission 9-11 ABC -Alcoholic Beverage Control abortion Absentee Ballots Abu Ghraib abuse accountability ACLU -American Civil Liberties Union ActBlue action Activism Addiction advertising Affirmative action Afghanistan AFL-CIO Africa African Americans Agriculture AIDS -Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIPAC -American Israel Public Affairs Committee Air America Air Force Airport Security Al Franken Al Gore Al Qaeda Alaska Alberto Gonzales Alcoholism alternative energy amendment American Enterprise Institute American Family Association Amnesty International An Inconvenient Truth Anbar Andrew Hurst Animal rights Animals Ann Coulter anti-Semitism anti-war ANWR -Arctic Nat'l Wildlife Refuge) AP -Associated press) appropriations approval ratings Arizona Arlen Specter Arms Trade army Army Medical Center Arnold Schwarzenegger art assassination AT&T Atheism Attorney General AUMF authoritarianism avian flu AWOL -Absent Without Leave Baghdad Band of Brothers banking bankruptcy Barack Obama Barbara Boxer Barry Welsh baseball BBC Ben Cardin Ben Domenech benchmarks Benedict XVI bible Big Oil Big Pharma bigotry Bill Clinton Bill Frist Bill of Rights Bill O'Reilly Bill Richardson Bill Winter biofuels biological weapons bipartisanship Blackwater bloggers blogging blogosphere blogs Blue Dogs blue states Bob Casey Bob Corker Bob Ehrlich Bob Ney Bob Woodward book review books boycott Brian Bilbray Brian Keeler Brian Schweitzer bridge collapse budget Bush Administration business CAFTA -Central America Free Trade Agreement California Democratic Party campaign campaign contributions campaign finance Canada cancer canvassing capitalism Carlyle Group cartoons casualties Cato Institute CBS censorship censure Charles Taylor Charlie Brown chemical weapons Chicago Chicago Tribune chickenhawks child abuse child welfare children China choice Chris Matthews Chris Shays christian right Christianity Christians Christine Cegelis Christmas Chuck Pennacchio Chuck Schumer church CIA Cindy Sheehan Ciro Rodriguez civil disobedience civil liberties civil rights civil unions Civil War Claire McCaskill class class warfare climate change CNMI CNN coal Cognitive Science Colin Powell college comic kos Committee on Oversight and Government Reform common good Communism community Condoleezza Rice Congress congressional committees project Conrad Burns conservation conservatism conservatives conspiracy conspiracy theory Constitution constitutional crisis contraception contracts contributions copyright Coretta Scott King corporations corporatism corruption CountDown counterterrorism coup cover-up Crashing the Gate Crawford Creationism crime criminal justice cronyism C-SPAN Cuba culture Culture of Corruption Culture War Curt Weldon cut and run Cynthia McKinney Daily Kos Darcy Burner Darfur data mining David Brooks David Horowitz David Petraeus DC Madam DCCC DEA death Death Penalty Debates debt deception Declaration of Independence Defense deficit democracy democracy now Democratic National Convention Democratic Party Democratic Strategy Democrats Demographics Denial Dennis Hastert Department of Defense Department of Justice depression detainees Deval Patrick DFA -Democracy for America DHS -Dept of Homeland Security Diane Farrell Dianne Feinstein diary rescue Dick Cheney Dick DeVos Dick Durbin dictatorship Diebold diplomacy dirty tricks Disability Disaster Disaster preparedness Discrimination Disney Dissent Dkosopedia DLC DNC documentary dogs dollar domestic spying domestic violence Donald Rumsfeld donations draft Drinking Liberally Drugs DSCC Dubai Dubai Ports World Duke Cunningham earmarks earthquakes ecology economics economy editorial education election administration election fraud election integrity election reform election results () Electoral College electoral votes electric vehicles electronic voting eMail embassy Employee Free Choice Act employment Endangered Species Act endorsements enemy combatants energy energy policy Enron environment EPA ePluribus Media equality Eric Massa escalation estate tax ethanol ethics Europe European Union Evan Bayh evangelicals evil evolution executive branch executive privilege exxonmobil FAA -Federal Aviation Administration factory farms failure faith Fallujah family Family Values fascism Fatah FBI FCC FDA fear fearmongering FEC Federal Reserve FEMA feminism Fighting Dems Filibuster First Amendment FISA fitzmas Flag burning Floods Flu Focus on the Family FOIA FoleyGate food food safety football Ford Motor Co. Foreign Policy Forests Founding Fathers Fourth Amendment Fourth of July Fox News framing France Francine Busby fraud Free Market Free Republic free speech free trade freedom freedom of speech freepers Front Paged fundamentalism Fundamentalists Fundraising Future G8 Gallup GAO -General Accounting Office Garden Blogging gas gas prices gay marriage gay rights Gaza GBCW Gender generals genetics Geneva Conventions genocide George Allen George Tenet George W. Bush Germany gerrymandering GLBT global warming globalization GMO God Google Google Bomb GOTV governor grassroots greed Green Party greenhouse gases Greens -Green Party members grief Grover Norquist Guantanamo Gulf Coast Gun Control Guns gwb.com habeas corpus Haditha Halliburton Hamas happy story Hardball Harold Ford Harriet Miers Harris Miller Harry Reid Hatch Act hate Hate Crimes hate speech health health care health insurance Health Savings Accounts Heather Wilson Hegemony Henry Cuellar Heroes Hezbollah Hillary Clinton history Holocaust Homeland Security Homeless homophobia Homosexuality hope Hostages House House Intelligence Committee House Judiciary Committee housing Howard Dean Howard Rich Huffington Post Hugo Chavez human rights Human Trafficking Humor hunger Hurricane Katrina Hurricanes Hybrid vehicles Hypocrisy ICE - Immigration and Customs Enforcement ideology IED -improvised explosive device IMF -International Monetary Fund Immigrants Immigration -use for legal and illegal impeachment Imperialism incompetence India indictments Inflation Infrastructure Initiatives insurance insurgency integrity intelligence intelligent design International Criminal Court International Law Internet investigation Iowa IPCC Iran Iran-Contra Iraq Iraq Civil War Iraq Study Group Iraq supplemental Iraq War Iraq War Grief Daily Witness IRS Islam Israel issues Jack Abramoff Jack Carter James Carville James Dobson Japan Jay Fawcett Jean Schmidt Jeb Bush Jennifer Granholm Jerry Kilgore Jerry McNerney Jesus Jews Jim Davis Jim Pederson Jim Talent Jim Webb Jimmy Carter jobs Joe Biden Joe Lieberman Joe Sestak Joe Wilson John Ashcroft John Boehner John Bolton John Conyers John Dean John Doolittle John Edwards John Hall John Kerry John Laesch John McCain John Murtha John Roberts John Sweeney Jon Corzine Jon Kyl Jon Stewart Jon Tester Joseph Wilson journalism Juan Cole Judaism judiciary Judith Miller justice K Street Project Karl Rove Katherine Harris Katrina Blog Project Keith Olbermann Ken Blackwell Ken Mehlman Kirsten Gillibrand Kossacks kurds Kyoto Protocol labor language Larry Kissell Latin America Laura Bush law lawsuit leadership Leak Learning Lebanon legislation lesbian Levees LGBT liberalism Liberals Libertarianism libertarians liberty library lies Lincoln Chafee Lindsey Graham Linux live blogging lobbying lobbyists Los Angeles Times Lou Dobbs love LTE (for Letter(s) to the Editor) macaca maps Maria Cantwell Marines Mark Foley Mark Warner Markos Moulitsas marriage Marriage Equality Martial Law Martin Luther King Martin O'Malley mayor media media bias Media Consolidation Media Matters medicaid medicare Medicare Part D medicine Meet The Press meetup Meme Memorial Memorial day Mental Health mental illness mercenaries meta Mexico Michael Brown Michael Chertoff Michael Hayden Michael Moore Michael Steele Michelle Malkin middle class Middle East Mike DeWine Mike Pence Military Military Commissions Act Military Industrial Complex minimum wage mining Minorities Minutes Missile Defense Missiles Moderates Money Morality Mortgages Moveon movies MSM MSNBC murder music Muslims myspace mything the point NAACP NAFTA Nancy Pelosi NASA National Guard National Review National Security Native Americans NATO Navy Nazis NBC Ned Lamont neocons neoconservatism Neoliberalism net neutrality netroots New Deal New York Times News Corp News Corpse Newsweek Newt Gingrich Nick Lampson NIE -national intelligence estimate Niger NLRB (Nat'l Labor Relations Board) No Child Left Behind NOAA (NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) North Korea NPR NRCC NSA nuclear nuclear power nuclear proliferation nuclear war nuclear weapons obesity Obituary occupation October Surprise Office of Special Plans Oil open thread Organic Organizing Orrin Hatch Osama bin Laden outsourcing oversight Overton Window PAC Pakistan Palestine Palestinians PAN Pardon parody Partisanship Pat Robertson Patricia Madrid Patrick Fitzgerald Patrick Murphy Patriot Act patriotism Paul Hackett Paul Hodes PBS peace peak oil Pedophilia pensions pentagon perjury permanent bases personal Pesticides Peter Goldmark Peter King Pets Phil Angelides philosophy Phone Banking Phone Jamming photography Photos PlameGate Planned Parenthood platform PNAC poem poetry police Police State policy politics polls Pollution pooties Population populism Populist Pornography port security Porter Goss ports Posse Comitatus poverty power Prescription Drugs President press conference pre-war intelligence prices primaries prisons privacy privatization Pro-choice progressives propaganda prosecutor purge prostitution protest psychology PTSD Public Health Public Schools quagmire Racism radio Rahm Emanuel Ralph Reed Randy Kuhl rant rape Rasmussen Rathergate recess appointments recipes Recommended Reconstruction recount recruiting red states Redistricting RedState reform refugees religion Religious Right rendition renewable energy Reproductive Rights Republican Party Republican Sex Scandals Republicans Rescued Resignation responsibility revolution Rhode Island Richard Nixon Richard Pombo Rick Santorum Right Wing Right Wing Media rights RNC Robert Novak robocalls Rockridge Institute Roe v. Wade Ronald Reagan Rule of Law Rural Rush Limbaugh Russ Feingold Russia Saddam Hussein same-sex marriage Samuel Alito Satire Saudi Arabia scandal Schadenfreude - German word meaning 'pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune'. school shootings schools science Science Friday Scooter Libby Scott McClellan Sean Hannity SEC Second Amendment secrecy Secret Prisons Secretary of State security Senate Senate Judiciary Committee separation of church and state separation of powers Sex sex education sexism Sexual predators Sheldon Whitehouse Sherrod Brown Shiite shooting SICKO signing statements Single Payer Health Insurance slavery Snark social security socialism society SOTU (for "State of the Union") Space Special Election speech Spin Sports spying State Department state legislatures State Strategy Statistics stem cells Stephen Colbert Stephen Hadley Stock Market strategy straw poll student loans Subpoena Sudan Sue Kelly suicide Sunni Support the Troops Supreme Court Surge Sustainability sweatshops SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication swiftboating Syria TABOR Tags Taliban talk radio Talk to Action talking points Talking Points Memo Tammy Duckworth tax cuts taxes teachers teaching Teamsters technology Ted Haggard Ted Kennedy Ted Strickland television terror terror plot terrorism Terrorists The Colbert Report The Daily Show The New Republic The Path to - theocracy think tanks Third Party Tim Kaine Tim Russert Time Magazine Tobacco Tolerance Tom Davis Tom DeLay Tom Reynolds Tom Tancredo Tony Blair Tony Snow Top Comments torture Toxins trade Transgender Transportation travel Treason troll diary Trolls troops Truth TSA tyranny U.S. Attorneys UAE (for United Arab Emirates) UK - for United Kingdon unions unitary executive United Nations Universal Health Care Uranium Valerie Plame values Venezuela veterans Veterans Administration Veterans for a Secure America Veto Vice President victory videos vietnam Vigil violence Virginia Tech Vito Fossella volunteer vote voter fraud Voter ID voter registration voter suppression voters voting machines Voting Record voting rights wages Wall Street Journal Wal-Mart Walter Reed war War Crimes War on Christmas War on Drugs War on Science War on Terror War Profiteering Warrantless Wiretapping Washington DC Washington Post water Watergate Weapons Weather Wesley Clark whistleblower White House - the building and grounds white phosphorus white supremacists wikipedia Wildlife wind power wingnuts wiretapping withdrawal witness WMD women women's rights Workers World Bank World War I World War II World War III Yearlykos Yearlykos Young Democrats Youth YouTube Zionism