List of excuses neocon pundits present for the Plame Affair
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Categories: Lists | Plame leak scandal
(Collected on the Internet by lawnorder)
The List
Each link goes to a page debunking it
Rove's defense , a Summary, Version 3.3
'Karl didn't do anything wrong'...
And even if he did, Valerie Plame wasn't a spy.
And even if she was, she wasn't undercover.
And even if she was, Wilson told everyone
And even if he didn't, everyone knew who she was anyway.
And even if they didn't, she had not done anything secret on the last 5 years.
And even if she did, outing her wasn't a crime
And even if it was, outing her did not ruin a 20 year CIA operation and their front company Brewster & Jennings
And even if it did, outing her did not endanger her and her family
And even if it did, outing her did not endanger other CIA agents who worked for her
And even if it did, they deserved it because her CIA group was out to get Bush And even if they weren't, Wilson lied.
And even if he didn't, it was trap concocted by Wilson's buddy Clinton and his wife Hillary to get at Bush
And even if it wasn't, Wilson was a partisan Democrat.
And even if he wasn't, his report wasn't important to anyone outside the Wilson household.
And even if it was, it was full of mistakes and grammar errors.
And even if it wasn't, everyone leaks intel like that in Congress.
And even if they don't, David Corn outed her first
And even if he didn't Novak never said her name
And even if he did he was never warned by the CIA not to do it
And even if he was Rove never said her name
And even if he did there is no proof
And even if there's proof, Rove only was only trying to prevent a mistake
And even if there was no mistake to prevent, Rove heard it from another reporter
And even if he didn't, he didn't know it was his job to prevent the leak
And even if he did, it's not like he signed a document saying he would never do it
And even if he did, it's not like Rove's boss promised to fire anyone involved
And even if he did, it's not like Bush signed a document saying he had to take corrective action
And even if he did, there is no proof someone from the WH blabbed
And even if there is proof, Judy Miller is not going to talk
And even if Judy talks, she was never working on a story about Wilson
And even if she was, there are no notes and the NYT denies it
And even if there are notes, Rove never mentioned any of this to anyone in the WH
And even if he did, no one will ever find the e-mail
And even if they find it, Rove had just forgotten about it
And even if he didn't forget, he lied to Bush and GW is innocent
And even if he isn't Democrats and Clinton are 'out to get Rove and Bush with lies and innuendo
And even if they are telling the truth... Hey look over there: See Miers ? Letter from Al Qaeda ? Avian Flu ? Subway terror Alert ?
Valerie who ? This is old news...
External links spreading GOP talking points on Plamegate
Just the more outrageous
Richard Cohen: Let This Leak Go
External links debunking neocon lies on Plamegate
Best debunking links:
Top CIA leak investigation falsehoods (Media Matters)
New Republican Talking Points on Plame Gate? (Larry Johnson)