Hardy Myers
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Hardy Myers, Democrat, is the current Attorney General for the State of Oregon. First elected to that position in 1996, he was reelected 2000 and his current term expires January 2005. The attorney general is the chief legal officer of the state of Oregon and heads the Department of Justice and its six operating divisions.
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Hardy Myers was born in Electric Mills, Mississippi on October 25, 1939. Attened public schools in Bend and Prineville Oregon, and graduated from University of Mississippi in 1961, then from the University of Oregon, 1964 with an LL.B.
Myers served as law clerk to United States District Judge William East from 1964-65. He has been in private law practice with Stoel Rives and predecessor firms since 1965 specializing in labor and employment law and government affairs law. He is a member of the Oregon State Bar and Multnomah County Bar Association.
First elected to the House of Representatives in 1975, Myers served as a state representative for 10 years and as Speaker of the House from 1979-83. He also served as a Councilor for the Metropolitan Service District from 985-86.
Other professional activities include serving as co-chair of the Governor's Task Force on State Employee Compensation (1995), chair of the Governor's Task Force on State Employee Benefits (1994), chair of the Oregon Criminal Justice Council (1987-91), chair of the Oregon Jail Project (1984-86) and chair of the Citizen's Task Force on Mass Transit Policy.
Married to Mary Ann Thalhofer of Prineville, the attorney general and his wife live in Portland and have three children.
Educated in public schools of Bend and Prineville; A.B. With Distinction, University of Mississippi, 1961; LL.B., University of Oregon, 1964; member, Phi Eta Sigma (freshman scholastic honorary), Phi Kappi Phi (undergraduate scholastic honorary), Omicron Delta Kappa (undergraduate leadership honorary); Board of Editors, Oregon Law Review.
Governmental Experience
Law Clerk to United States District Judge William G. East, 1964-65; private practice with Stoel Rives, LLP and predecessor firms 1965-96; practice specialties: labor and employment law, government affairs law; member, Oregon State Bar and Multnomah County Bar Association; admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the District of Oregon and United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
President, Portland City Planning Commission, 1973-74 (appointed by Mayor Goldschmidt and confirmed by City Council); Member, Commission on the Judicial Branch, 1983-85; Chair, Citizens' Task Force on Mass Transit Policy, 1985-86 (appointed by Tri-Met Board of Directors); Chair, Oregon Jail Project, 1984-86 (appointed by Association of Oregon Counties); Chair, Oregon Criminal Justice Council, member, State Sentencing Guidelines Board, 1987-91 (appointed by Governor Goldschmidt); Chair, Portland Future Focus (city strategic planning process), 1990-91 (appointed by Mayor Bud Clark); Chair, Metro Charter Committee (statutory committee that prepared home rule charter for November 1992 regional vote at which charter was adopted), 1991-92 (appointed by Metropolitan Service District Executive Officer Rena Cusma); Chair, Governor's Task Force on State Employee Benefits, 1994 (appointed by Governor Roberts); Co-chair, Governor's Task Force on State Employee Compensation, 1995 (appointed by Governor Kitzhaber); Former member, Oregon State Bar Committee on Continuing Legal Education.
Attorney General Hardy Myers
Justice Building
Phone: (503) 378-6002
Fax: ( ) -
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External links
- Oregon Voter Pamphlet - Bio