Feather Larson Synhorst-DCI
From dKosopedia
Category: Republican organizations
(formerly known as Feather Hodges Larson & Synhorst)
One of the most telling statements on FLS' website as of August 2005 was a quote from Karl Rove :
- "I know these guys well. They become partners with the campaigns they work with. From designing the program to drafting scripts; from selecting targets to making the calls in a professional, successful way they work as hard to win your races as you do."
Contents |
Partners of FLS-DCI
Political Contributions
FLS-DCI (formerly FHLS-DCI) has contributed a lot of money to national and local races. Courtesy PublicIntegrity.com, they contributed $1,402,190 just to Pennsylvania, to Republicans, in 2003-2004, as well as $1,210,247 in Ohio and $1,082,250 in Florida, two "swing states" in the 2004 election [1].
National Clients
- Republican National Committee
- National Republican Senatorial Committee
- National Republican Congressional Committee
- Republican Governors Association
- Bush/Cheney 2004
- Bush/Cheney 2000
- Dole For President
- Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
- United States Chamber of Commerce
- Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce
- American Academy of Ophthalmology
- Americans for Tax Reform
- AT&T
- Citizens Against Government Waste
- NCG Porter Novelli
- Green Bay Packers
- Minnesota Vikings
- Insurance Federation of Minnesota
- The Bravo Group
- National Beer Wholesalers
- Walt Klein & Associates
- National Restaurant Association
- APCO Worldwide
- U.S. English
- Weber Company
- St. Paul Chamber of Commerce
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau
- Illinois Soybean Association
- General Motors
- Exxon
- National Federation of Independent Business
- National Rifle Association
- Arizona Realtors
- Hill and Knowlton
State Parties (Republican only)
All 50 states.
Clients - Senate Campaigns
- Cornyn For Senate – TX
- Elizabeth Dole For Senate – NC
- Friends Of Conrad Burns – MT
- Frist for Senate – TN
- Gordon Smith For Senate – OR
- Hutchinson For Senate – AR
- Jim Talent For Senate – MO
- Kit Bond for Senate – MO
- McConnell for Senate – KY
- Norm Coleman For US Senate – MN
- Santorum 2000 – PA
- Lincoln Chafee for Senate – RI
Clients - Gubernatorial Campaigns
- Benson For Governor - NH
- Scwartzeneggar for Governor – CA
- Jeb Bush for Governor – FL
- Ehrlich for Governor – MD
- Foster For Governor – LA
- Guinn For Governor – NV
- Huckabee for Governor – AR
- Kempthorne For Governor – ID
- Lingle for Governor – HI
- Pataki for Governor – NY
- Pawlenty For Governor – MN
- Perdue For Governor - GA
- Haley Barbour For Governor - MS
Clients - Congressional Races
- Beauprez For Congress
- Cantor For Congress
- Carter For US Congress
- Chocola For Congress
- Culberson For Congress
- Garrett For Congress
- George Nethercutt For Congress
- Gerlach For Congress
- Gingrey For Congress
- Gutknecht For Congress
- Hayes For Congress
- Istook for Congress
- Janklow For Congress
- Johnny Isakson Campaign, Inc.
- Mike Rogers for Congress
- Neugebauer For Congress
- Nussle for Congress
- Pickering For Congress
- Porter For Congress
- Rehberg for Congress
- Boozman For Congress
- Forbes For Congress
- Foley For Congress
- Wilson For Congress
- Brady For Congress
- Ryun For Congress
- Graves For Congress
- Simmons For Congress
- Akin For Congress
- Young For Congress
- Bishop For Congress
Clients - Legislative Campaign Committees
- Connecticut House Republican Campaign Committee
- Indiana Senate Majority
- Maine Republican House Caucus
- Minnesota Senate Republicans
- Minnesota House Caucus
- Ohio House Republican Campaign Committee
- Pennsylvania House Republican Caucus Committee
- The California Republican Assembly
- Washington House Republicans