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From dKosopedia

Ethanol, (AKA ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol), is a form of Renewable energy when mixed with gasoline. It is one of the most common Biofuels, in substantial part due to tax subsidies and has most of the benefits and disadvantages which go with such fuels. Typically, ethanol is produced from maize and much less frequently sugar cane byproducts.

Every auto sold in the US can run on a 10 percent ethanol blend — sometimes called E10 — without modifications and with full warranty protection. Already, about a third of the gasoline sold in the US has an ethanol mix. Blends with more than 10 percent ethanol can cause problems in standard engines.

"Flex-fuel" cars and trucks can use 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, called E85. (Autos in Brazil use nearly 100 percent ethanol.)

Marine engines and the gas engines on lawnmowers and other yard equipment can all use E10. Every major outboard motor manufacturer authorizes 10 percent ethanol mixes, although most warn that problems may occur with higher mixes of ethanol.

E10 fuel mileage differs by car. Ethanol produces a little less energy than gasoline, but engines run cleaner and slightly cooler on it, which can make up the difference, according to the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association.

Use of ethanol produced from food grains such a maize have increased the price of the grains, a fact that works to be benefit of farmers but raises the price of beef, other corn-fed livestock products, corn meal for human consumption, etc. Indirectly, high maize prices can result in price influences for wheat, rice, and other feed grains.

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This page was last modified 06:36, 8 April 2008 by dKosopedia user Patrick0Moran. Based on work by Arthur Smith and Andrew Oh-Willeke and dKosopedia user(s) PatriotismOverProfits and Jbet777. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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