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Countries with Flawed Democracies

From dKosopedia

Nations in these categories have a formal electoral process that functions to some degree. Elected officials hold real power. However, elections in these countries are flawed, either because they are generally unfair, or because they formally exclude many people who should be included in the process. Entries in this section should explain the specific defects in a particular country's process.

Countries With Dysfunctional Democracies

These countries have a formal multi-party electoral system and regular elections, but local conditions are such that the political system falls far short of international standard for multi-party election systems, due to manipulation of the electoral process, outside influences, or continuing civil war.

Countries That Rule Substantial Number of People Without Full Democratic Rights

Nations in this category have free and fair elections that involve a significant proportion of the people who reside there, but a large number of people in areas controlled by these governments reside in areas which have no say in the national government and/or significant percentages of adults who reside there lack the right to vote in the national elections of the country that rules them. (Nations like France which give full democratic status to its large populations extra-territorial holdings and self-government to its low population territories are excluded, as are countries which have a few very small population territories).

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This page was last modified 03:19, 24 September 2006 by Chad Lupkes. Based on work by Andrew Oh-Willeke and dKosopedia user(s) Davemck, EqualOpportunityCynic and Alan. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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