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American Populist Party

From dKosopedia

Founded in 2009 as an umbrella for economic justice, the American Populist Party is a third party advocating a return to classical liberalism and a restoration of Constitutional government and Natural Rights. The party advocates for the People and the Natural Person, and against special interest influence of all kinds in national politics, including corporate, union, religious, and single-issue groups. Its stated goal is the passage of 14 Constitutional Amendments to restore checks and balances in the federal government. The American Populist Party traces its roots to the original Populists who engaged in a political battle over the monetary standard (gold vs silver) and the Party claims that a similar battle is taking shape today over the direction and control of monetary policy, relative to the accumulating national debt. The Party membership is an interesting mix of classical liberals, libertarians, and traditional conservatives, all of whom are focused on the economic issue as the nation's number one priority. The members are currently concentrated in California, Colorado, Texas, and Pennsylvania. The Party is currently attempting to gain access to local and state ballots, and intends to field a Presidential candidate in 2012. Their web site states that they endorse candidates from other parties in districts where they are not fielding their own, including Russ Feingold and Dennis Kucinich as well as Ron Paul and Peter Schiff.

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This page was last modified 15:15, 16 December 2009 by Sandy G. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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