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America's responsibility for Middle Eastern women's oppression

From dKosopedia

A common trend in America is to blame our country for the lack of freedoms women in other countries, particularly countries in the Middle East.

Another trend America has for Middle Eastern countries, is to blame women's oppression on the actual Islam faith. One symbol Americans use to point out the oppression of women of the Muslim faith is the use of veils. Ironically, this is a custom the Muslims integrated this ritual through the influence of early Christian Byzantium. In addition, in the medieval times, the Christian polemicsts attacked Islam for being too permissive with sexual matters. While America has definetly progressed in women's issues since it's beginning, but it is completely ludacras that we should feel we have the authority to define which country should reform and which should not.

America points out countries such as Iraq for their female oppression, however there is extreme oppression of women in Saudi Arabia. However, because Saudi Arabia is considered a friend of the U.S. we continue to support and give aid to a country which contains a dictatorship that continues to oppress women. Any one with any common sense could see that America's actions have proved to be hypocritical and at the least embarrassing for any progressive thinking American citizen.

America sees no problem with interfering with Middle Eastern countries policies as is evident by the freedom with which American planes fly over Iraq. When one considers this, it is difficult to see how America can contribute their lack of aid towards progressive groups in countries such as Saudi Arabia as simply following their policy of "noninterference". Evidently Washington sees nothing wrong with bashing Islamic faith for keeping the woman down but it is beyond them to help the situation out at all. While it is not America's responsibility to change the human rights in Middle Eastern countries, it is important to at least support groups that could lead to a higher equality for humans.



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This page was last modified 23:07, 22 September 2006 by dKosopedia user Gunpowder. Based on work by Chad Lupkes and dKosopedia user(s) Mikhunt, Jjaccar and BartFraden. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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