Alex Diaz de la Portilla
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Alex Diaz de la Portilla is the Republican Florida State Senator from the predominantly White Hispanic 36th State Senatorial District in Miami.
Lawmaker's Contempt for the Law?
Originally fined $311,000 for an astonishing 311 violations of Florida's campaign election laws during 1999, Diaz de la Portilla successfully appealed the decision and had it reduced to fines of only $8,170 for 17 violations. His argument that he could not afford to pay these smaller fines was effectively laughed out of court because the Miami pol's resouces include two homes, one of which in the state capital of Tallahassee is valued at $800,000. Source: n.a. "Judge: Fla. lawmaker to pay for Violations." Associated Press. January 10, 2006.