From dKosopedia
- Italy declares war on the Ottoman Empire and the Italian Army invades Libya. Benito Mussolini is imprisoned for protesting against the invasion.
- Mark Sykes is elected to a seat in the British parliament.
- California becomes the sixth American state to grant women the right to vote.
- IWW Free Speech Fight in Fresno, California.
- Last surviving dependent of an American Revolutionary War veteran dies.
- Census reveals that the Irish population in England and Wales had fallen to 375,325 or only about 1% of the total.
- U.S. Marines continue to occupy the Isthmus of Panama, which they will do until January 21, 1914.
- January 26: U.S. Marines intervene in Honduras.
- April 27: Resignation and death of William P. Frye: compromise reached to rotate the office of President pro tempore of the United States Senate.
- May 8: Pancho Villa leads attack on Ciudad Juarez without Francisco Madero's permission.
- May 10: Mexican Government troops surrender to Pancho Villa.
- May 17: Porfiriato ends! Porfirio Diaz convinced to resign but does not officially.
- July 20: Race riot in Cardiff, Wales as nativists attack Chinese property.
- October: Uprising against the Qing Dynasty in China.
- November 3: Chevrolet enters auto market to compete with Ford.
- December 25: Sun Yat-sen arrives in Shanghai from Europe.
- December 29: Provisional Parliament of China meets for the first time and elects Sun Yat-sen President.