From dKosopedia
- Fourth Hague Convention.
- Second modern Russian Duma elections produce a legislature more than radical than the first and it is quickly dissolved by order of the Czar. Third Duma is elected under electoral law that gives landowners preference and the resulting conservative legislature sits until 1912 and adopts a few tepid reforms.
- Wad Habuba Revolt against British rule led by U.S. and Japan conclude a "Gentlemen's Agreement" under which Japan stops issuing passports to laborers desiring to emigrate to the U.S.
- National Industrial Union of Textile Workers, 1st chartered IWW industrial union is organized.
- Year of labor militance: Marston Textile Mill, Skowhegan, Maine; 3,000 IWW sawmill workers strike in Portland, OR; IWW smeltermen strike in Tacoma, WA win 8-hour day and 15% pay hike; lumber workers strike in Humboldt County, CA, Missoula, MT and Vancouver, B.C.; bakers strike in San Francisco; textile workers strike at Mapleville, RI; workers at American Tube in Bridgeport, CT strike.
- U.S. Marines continue to occupy the Isthmus of Panama, which they will do until January 21, 1914.
- January 4: Persian monarch Muzaffar Ali Shah dies.
- March 18-June 8: U.S. Marines intervene in Honduras.
- May 4: Self-proclaimed Mahdi 'Abd al-Qadir Muhammad Imam Wad Habuba from Blue Nile Province in Sudan is captured.
- May 8: 'Abd al-Qadir Muhammad Imam Wad Habuba is tried, convicted and sentenced to death for leadign a revolt against British rule.
- May 17: 'Abd al-Qadir Muhammad Imam Wad Habuba is hanged by the British at Hilat Mustafa.
- August 31: Anglo-Russian Convention is signed. Britain and Russia agree on divide Persia/Iran into separate spheres of influence, with a neutral zone between. Over the nexy decade the focus of British anxiety will shift from Russian influence in Persia/Iran to German influence in Persia/Iran.
- November 16: First gubernatorial election in Oklahoma. Democrat C.N. Haskell of Muskogee defeats Republican Frank Frantz, outgoing territorial governor.