From dKosopedia
- Rudyard Kipling publishes the Eurocentric and imperialist poem "The White Man's Burden".
- Border dispute between Venezuela and Britain over British Guiana settled.
- Portuguese establish the Sociedad Agricola Patria e Trabalho to introduce coffee growing in the northwest of their colony of East Timor. Forced labor is used to operate the plantations.
- February 22-March 5: U.S. military forces occupy San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.
- February-May 15: U.S. and British military forces occupy Samoa.
- March 15: U.S. military forces are withdrawn from Beijing, China.
- July 21: Ernest Hemingway is born.
- August 17: Viacheslav Konstantinovich Plevhe is appointed Minister-State Secretary for the Grand Duchy of Finland.
- September 13: Future Romanian fascist Iron Guard leader Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, a.k.a. Corneliu Zelinski is born in Huşi, Romania.
- September 23: Walter Lippmann is born in New York City.
- December: Viacheslav Konstantinovich Plevhe is appointed Chancellor of Helsingfors University. Forces university to repress student political activity.