From dKosopedia
- Prussian-Danish War
- International Working Mens Association, a.k.a. The First International, founded in London.
- The future Mehmet Emin Effendi by way of being future Dr. Hairollah Effendi graduates from medical school in Berlin as Eduard Karl Oskar Theodor Schnitzer.
- Chilcotin "War" in British Columbia ended with arrests.
- Arizona Territory is created.
- February 24: German citizens in San Francisco hold meeting to dicsuss the Holstein-Schleswig war question.
- April 2: Confederate traitors abandon Richmond, Virgina.
- April 9: Traitor Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and the U.S. Civil War ends.
- September 1: Charlottetown Conference begins, the first of three conferences leading to Confederation of Canada.
- September 1: Fenian Brotherhood of the Pacific Coast holds first general convention in San Francisco.
- October 9: Qing Dynasty forces capture Taiping leader Hong Rengan.
- October 25: Qing Dynasty forces capture heir to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Tiangui Fu.