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From dKosopedia

Poverty is the situation where people don't have enough money to live a decent life.

In poor nations: Around the world, over 1.1 Billion people live on less than $1 per day, and over 2.7 Billion live on less than $2 per day.

In Rich nations the poor have more income, but also more mandatory expenses, as well as limitations due to laws and social expectations. (i.e. squatting on land, building a slum and hunting for "bush meat" are usually not viable options here).



Poverty comes from numerous causes, physical and economic. Fundamentally, it is either a lack of sufficient resources overall or a failure to adequately share the resources that exist. Every mode of economic management has been blamed, from capitalism to communism, without enough recognition being placed on this core truth. It also matter less where the problem comes from, and more what people are willing and able to do to solve it.


Decisions and habits of poor people

Why I make terrible decisions because when you're poor bad options are the only realistic ones available.

5 bad habits you develop from being poor


Conservatives like to claim that poverty will be solved by "The Magic Of The Market" and charity. But high levels of poverty persist despite US markets and charity, and has been nearly eliminated in strongly socialist nations such as Denmark.


7 Things No One Tells You About Being Homeless

The food stamp challenge

How I failed the Food Stamp Challenge. -How tough it is to live on $4.20 worth of food a day.

Why I won't do the food stamp challenge -Simply limiting your food budget does not simulate poverty. There are many other variables.

Corporate media attacks on poor people

Conservative victim-blaming comes home as they ridicule "white trash" Review of a new conservative book "saturated with that particular kind of right-wing smugness born of the conviction that one’s willingness to express common prejudices is a sign of free-thinking audacity." See also:The end of pork-rind conservatism.

Media coverage of Hurricane Katrina was class-warfare

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This page was last modified 15:47, 4 December 2013 by dKosopedia user PatriotismOverProfits. Based on work by Chad Lupkes. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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