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North Korea

From dKosopedia




North Korea was formed when Allies Russia and the United States occupied Korea in the wake of World War II, which had previously been under the control of Japan. The Russian zone became North Korea. The American zone became South Korea. North Korea attempted to claim the entire country, leading to the Korean War from 1950-1953. But, with U.S. and Chinese involvement the conflict ended with a demarkation line, although there has never been a true peace treaty between North Korea and South Korea.

Kim Il Sung ruled North Korea from its formation until 1994 when he was suceeded by his son Kim Jong Il, making North Korea an emerging Monarchy. North Korea is among the most militarized, economically hollow and isolated nations in the world. Millions died of starvation in the 1990s, as its crops failed and it was unwilling or unable to use trade or ask for help to alleviate the problem.

North Korea borders Russia, China and South Korea. President George W. Bush has described it as part of an Axis of Evil in a State of the Union address. Its nuclear weapons program has been used by it as a bargaining chip with the West.

Weapons Tests


Rumsfeld Connection


External Links

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This page was last modified 16:49, 1 December 2008 by dKosopedia user Estusemucho. Based on work by Andrew Oh-Willeke and dKosopedia user(s) BartFraden, Corncam, Allamakee Democrat, PatriotismOverProfits and Justsomecomputerguy. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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