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Cultural Victory

From dKosopedia

Cultural Victory is a term coined by conservatives in the aftermath of the D-Day Revolution to salvage political support. They have claimed that, "Far from rejecting conservative principles, voters across America have resoundingly affirmed them."[1] Hence they are claiming a cultural victory.

We must make it clear that the only cultural victory is ours.

In terms of Religion of our newly elected rep.'s in the House we now have at least half a dozen Jews, 2 Buddhists, and a Muslim in addition to members of dozens of Christian denominations and a number of rep's who don't think their faith is any of their constituents damn business.

On the state level the results of the 2006 elections left Republicans with 22 governors and gave us 28 Democratic governors, a reversal of the numbers held by the respective parties prior to the elections. There were 22 races in states that were previously held by Republicans, and 14 in states previously held by Democrats. In addition S. Dakota rejected a totalitarian ban on abortion, Alamama elected an open lesbian to it's state legislature, and a number of so called fighting democrats have been elected to state legislatures.

Lastly in our new Senators we now have Independent/Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders, Badass James Webb, Organic farmer Jon Tester, embryonic stem-cell research supporter/lightening rod Claire McCaskill, Progressive Sherrod Brown, and ultra liberal Sheldon Whitehouse, that leaves any claim of Conservative victory in the Senate on the election of Bob Casey, Jr. who while in a sense is pro-life is hated by the anti-abortion crowed because he's pro-birth control, supports the funding of non-embryonic stem-cell research, and objects to forceing women to give birth if it will kill them. Other than sexual/reproductive issues Casey is a liberal.

In Summary while there will continue to be healthy debate in the Democrat party on just how to end the war in Iraq, on how to best protect our planet, and how to close the gap between the Paris Hiltons of the world and the rest of us, we also all know; Bush lied to us about Iraq and we resent it, we know being pro-job and pro-enviromentalism are not exclusive that that's bullshit invented by mega corporations, there is somthing very very wrong with our countries economy and we need to fix it before it's to late.

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This page was last modified 00:03, 1 March 2007 by dKosopedia user Roger. Based on work by Rich Wingerter and dKosopedia user(s) Powerofpie. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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