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Peoples Republic of China

From dKosopedia

The People's Republic of China (PRC), typically spoken of as China (中國 or 中国), is the world's most populous country (having more than a billion people), a rising economic superpower, and a Totalitarian (or at least authoritarian) state.



China is not only one of the world's oldest civilization but also the oldest continuous civilization. China is the land of firsts: greatest public works projects in the ancient world, first civil service selected by merit, first scientific discoveries and inventions, first explorations, bloodiest civil wars and greatest popular revolutions.


Formally, politics in China is organized by the party Constitution and the state Constitution, both promulgated in 1982; constitutions stress principle of democratic centralism. Both party and state have representative bodies elected by lower level representative which then elect their own administrative apparatuses. Within representative and executive bodies the norm is for minorities to abide by decisions of the majority and lower level bodies to obey decisisons of higher level bodies.

In principle, the National Party Congress is the highest body of party authority, but real political power lies in the Politburro (Political Bureau) of the CCP Central Committee and, especially in the Politburo's Standing Committee.

The National People's Congress is the highest body of state power. The State Council serves as equivalent of cabinet; key members also hold positions in important party organs.

That China should be governed as a Marxist-Leninist Party State (since its founding in 1949 the People's Republic of China has been led by the Communist Party of China CPC), is ironic because its economy is increasingly capitalist. One wit described the regime's official communist ideology of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics a.k.a. Market Socialism as "anything that jingles in your pocket." Today the PRC imposes fewer limits on individual liberties than previously.

The PRC is far from a paradise. An unknown number of political dissidents are held in PRC “reeducation-through-labor” camps without trial, less than 5% of criminal trials include witnesses (though the conviction rate is 99%), the government censors all forms of communication, and in preparation for the 2008 Olympics over 400,000 residents of Beijing have been forcibly evicted from their homes.[1]

Population and Territory

China has the world's largest population, with more than 1.3 billion people, 92% of whom are ethnic Han Chinese. The remainder are members some some 50 different ethnic groups, several of which have populations larger than major European states. By 2050 India is expected to surpass China in population size because of the effectiveness of Chinese population control efforts and increasing female literacy.

Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association

On 18 May 2006 the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association urged its adherents to boycott the film "The Da Vinci Code" as immoral and an offense to the faithful. Director Ron Howard's film was denounced film for "violating religious ethics and morals and insulting the feelings of clergy and followers." {{#if:||{{#if:Category:Articles with unsourced statements|[[Category:Articles with unsourced statements {{#if:|{{#if:|from|since}} }}]]}}}}{{#if:citation needed|[citation needed]|}}{{#switch:||Template|Talk={{#if:|{{#ifexist:Category:Articles with unsourced statements since {{{date}}}||}}|}}}}

Revanchist Territorial Claims

China is also the largest country in area in East Asia and the fourth largest in the world, after Russia, Canada, and the United States. China borders 14 other countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam.

Chinese states not under the control of the PRC include Taiwan and Singapore. A large Overseas Chinese community is also not under the control of the PRC, often inhabiting places called Chinatown. The People's Republic of China claims sovereignty over but does not administer Taiwan (along with the Pescadores, Quemoy, and Matsu). Taiwan's political status is controversial; it is administered by the Republic of China, which is currently based in Taipei. The term Mainland China is sometimes used to denote the part of China under PRC's rule (usually excluding the two Special Administrative Regions, Hong Kong and Macau), and the PRC is sometimes also referred to as "Red China," especially by its political opponents and critics. Today, over one-fifth of the planet's population or 1.3 billion people are heirs to an uninterrupted civilization that is nearly 5000 years old.

Economic Success

As of November 2006, China has accumulated more than $1 trillion in its foreign exchange reserves.

Political Elites

Party Factions


External Links


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This page was last modified 21:50, 24 October 2008 by Richard Rabinowitz. Based on work by roger and CD and dKosopedia user(s) Pinkpanther, Pamekassan, BartFraden, Xiaoling69, Corncam, DaMule, Centerfielder, Allamakee Democrat, PatriotismOverProfits, Lestatdelc, IrishAlum and Orwelltheprophet. Content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

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